Clover Kids is a youth program specially designed for youth in 1st—3rd grade. The focus is hands-on cooperative learning in small groups.
Clover Kids participate in activities, games, and other positive experiences in a supportive, creative, challenging and fun environment. Anyone who participates in Greene County Clover Kids will be eligible to show animals and bring static projects to the 2021 Greene County Fair.
“This year we want to have our Clover Kids program a line with our 4-H program,” said Kayla Willms, county youth & 4-H coordinator. “We have packed take-home Clover Kids activities in kits for those who sign up for the program to participate until January 2021.”
When families sign up, they will receive two kits, an introduction to 4-H kit and a November-themed activity. December kits will be available by Dec. 1. Kits will also include a link to an instructional video. Those that sign up will receive an email with more information.
Parents should enroll their children by Dec. 1 to receive fall kits. Like 4-H members, Clover Kids enrollments will be accepted until May 15, 2021.
A decision regarding resuming in-person meetings after the first of the year will be made in late December and families who have signed up will be notified.
Registration forms were sent home with Greene County and Paton-Churdan 1-3 graders, or may be picked up at the Greene County Extension office at 104 W. Washington St in Jefferson. Persons who want more information can call 515-386-2138.